Our Space


Prior to the establishment of Redbud, the building that we call home was as a strip mall occupied by a variety of businesses, including a tattoo parlor and an insurance agency. Thanks to the generosity of a local community member, the space was able to be transformed into cooperative housing, administered by Bloomington Cooperative Living (BCL), and a commercial space dedicated to supporting the community (that’s us).

The renovation of the space that now holds Redbud Books was stewarded and completed by Jeshurun Construction, a local business that is owned, operated, and staffed by formerly incarcerated individuals.


We do everything we can to ensure our space is accessible and welcoming to all patrons and bodyminds. This is always a work-in-progress; we are ADA-compliant but we seek to go beyond the requirements of regulation in ways that align with the needs of our patrons and the principles of disability justice. If there are ways we can accommodate or make adjustments in order to be more inclusive, please reach out to us. As a small, independent business in a rented space, we may not always be able to accommodate everyone, but we will consider all requests and do our best to act accordingly.

Access & Mobility


We have two parking spots dedicated to the staff and patrons of Redbud Books, one of which is designated for disabled users. These spots are located on the southernmost and northern (for the disabled spot) parts of the strip and have signs that indicate they are for Redbud Books.

Besides these two spots, there is on-street paid parking that is managed by the City of Bloomington. Please do not park in any of the spots reserved for the co-op residents of 410 W Kirkwood Ave., who are our neighbors, or other spots reserved for local, nearby businesses.


We have an ADA-compliant ramp with handrails that leads up to the entrance to our storefront. Currently, our entrance door swings outward and is not automatic. If you ever need help getting in and out of the store, please don’t hesitate to ask; you are welcome to give us a call before your arrival or when you get here and we will help you inside.

While we have a number of different shelving units throughout the space, our floor-to-ceiling shelving holds some books that will be out of reach for some patrons. If you ever need help retrieving an item, please don’t hesitate to ask one of our volunteers to help you.

Our all-gender restroom is fully ADA-compliant, with grab bars, and the door handle is levered for easier access.

Seating & Tables

In our space, we have a few types of seating available. In terms of the seat dimensions, we have: cushioned armchairs at 15″ high and 20.8″ wide, soft cafĂ© chairs at 18″ high and 15.4″ wide, and vinyl-padded folding chairs in two sizes (deluxe: 18″ high and 16″ wide; big & tall: 19″ high and 18″ wide) for events. Please note that we can provide a limited number of cushions for any of our seating by request.

Our tables are 29″ high, which should fit most wheelchairs, though please note that there is an inner base beneath the tabletop portion that is only 26″ high and might prohibit some wheelchair users from using the longer sides of the table.

Sensory Information


We do not use any essential oils or other scent sources in our space, though we do have a station for folks to make coffee or tea (which guests may sometimes be able to smell while they are in the store). Please note that we do allow outside food and drinks in the space, so those are potential sources of odors in the bookstore that we cannot predict and disclose. Our cleaning products are all natural, and most are either unscented or have very light, floral or citrus scents (and we do not generally use them throughout the day unless something needs to be cleaned up). In the bathroom, we have lavender-scented hand soap.


We have both overhead (track and recessed) and floor lighting, both using LED bulbs. Most of the light in the space during the day is provided naturally, as we have multiple windows on the southern and western walls.


We have curated playlists that soundtrack our space throughout the day, though our volunteers may sometimes choose other selections to play over the speakers. This music is kept at a pretty quiet level, but please feel free to request that we turn this down if needed. We do not take music requests.

Please also note that the bookstore is not always a quiet space; while you can expect it to be similar to other bookstores, patrons may be co-working, taking meetings, and talking with one another throughout their time here. We also occasionally hosts events during the day, and this will increase noise levels when those are occurring.


While masks are not required at this time, we always encourage masking in our space to protect ourselves and others. Please always wear a mask if you are feeling sick during your visit or during periods of the year in which infection is more likely. If you are ever sick or want to minimize encounters with others, please consider ordering items for pick-up; simply call or email us if you would like to coordinate that. We also always have free surgical (and a limited number of N/KN95) masks available at the front desk, just ask us and we’ll provide one for you.

Companion Animals

As with humans, Redbud aims to be a comforting and welcoming space for all; we don’t exclude animal companions from our store. That said, many patrons may have allergies or other kinds of discomfort around animals, and we ask that patrons who bring their furry friends be considerate of others with whom they share the space (and that may include keeping companion animals on a leash when necessary and appropriate). Service animals of all kinds, of course, are also welcome in the store.